Friday, January 2, 2015

The January Project: Editing and Writing for the Fateful Weather Trilogy

Even though I did get a number of book reviews written, and cross-posted to multiple sites (Goodreads, Amazon, Google+ stream and, of course, my blog), December was a very non-productive month for writing or editing my Indigo trilogy. Part of the problem was that I was missing the visual motivation provided by the NaNoWriMo Author's page graph in November. There's no sense of continuity of word production when there is no reporting.

But last year proved the benefit of month-by-month goal-setting and being accountable for them online. So yesterday, I set up a Google Sheet document to graph my progress in writing the conclusion of Indigo 3 (Redemption), and another set to track my editing work on Indigo 1 (Reaping) and Indigo 2 (Reunion). These graphics will appear along the right side of my blog, below the Blog Archive List, and I will be updating them each day that I write or edit.

These graphs have already proven motivational: I have written about 4200 words in 2 daysthat's over half what I wrote in all of December for Indigo 3!

For editing the first two books, I could use the Camp NaNoWriMo formula, 1 hour of editing counts as 1000 words. Or I could simply record hours spent editing, and graph that directly. Since I haven't used the visual progress graph for editing yet, I don't know which will provide more motivation!

Another goal for January: I begin teaching the driver safety course this month, too, with two class sessions scheduled mid-month. Some hours each day in December, and some in the first part of January, were/will be devoted to preparing for the initial class presentations.

Final goal for January: Schedule a middle-school 3D printing presentation. We now have contacted three schools, and just need to finalize arrangements to present.

It's easier to get more of whatever you track, and tracking my word production is a good way to finish my trilogy. So here's to accountability! 


Don't miss out on the special New Year's price—only 99 cents for My Social Calendar 2014-2015! Only available at this price for a short time!

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